
Testosterone Optimization Therapy

See Us for Effective Low-T Therapies

If you suffer from low testosterone, you can count on New England Low-T Center for state-of-the-art treatments. Our knowledgeable medical professionals provide a variety of testosterone optimization therapies. Same-day appointments are available, and we'll give you a free, no-obligation consultation for TRT near Danbury, CT. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

FAQs About Low Testosterone

What is low testosterone?

Low testosterone refers to any situation in which the body’s levels of the testosterone hormone fall below the range of levels considered by the medical community to be “normal.”

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is most prevalent in men. It helps regulate and control a variety of sexual functions, but it also contributes to muscle and bone strength.

What causes low testosterone?

As men age, their bodies naturally produce lower levels of testosterone than they did in their younger years. While this is normal, it can have a severe effect on sexual health and daily functioning. In many cases, men may grow accustomed to living life at “lower” levels than might be possible if their hormone levels were properly balanced by New England Low-T Center.

Why should you seek treatment?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you could benefit from an evaluation:

  • Loss of libido (sex drive)
  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels
  • Muscle loss
  • Weight gain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Memory loss
  • Depression

Our licensed and trained medical staff can analyze your testosterone levels and determine if certain treatments might restore your optimal levels. At New England Low-T Center, we don’t believe in simply replacing your testosterone levels. We believe in optimizing your testosterone levels. That’s what makes us stand apart from the rest.

What’s the difference between testosterone replacement and testosterone optimization?

Put simply, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the act of replacing the testosterone that your body has stopped producing.

Testosterone optimization therapy (TOT) is the art of helping you not only replace your lost testosterone to optimum levels but also helping you stay in that optimum testosterone range while looking at all aspects of your health and helping you reach a level of health beyond what you thought possible. Only then can New England Low-T Center help you live your best life.

How is low testosterone diagnosed?

Low testosterone is diagnosed with a simple blood test.

How is low testosterone treated?

Treatment options include self-administered hormone injections that can be performed quickly, safely, and discreetly in the privacy of your own home.

What are the potential side effects of low testosterone treatment?

At New England Low-T Center, we monitor blood levels regularly to help detect possible side effects early. We can take corrective action as soon as possible.

While the FDA states that some men may experience worsening of prostate issues , changes in red blood cell levels, cholesterol levels, hormone levels, and PSA levels. Hair loss, mood changes, breast growth, testicular shrinkage, decreased sperm count, and acne are also other possible side effects. Treatments may worsen sleep apnea, and they may or may not increase the risk of heart attack and death in people with or without heart disease.

What are the potential benefits of testosterone therapy?

With thousands of clinical studies published, the following are the overwhelming benefits of testosterone optimization therapy:

• Decrease body fat (improved metabolism)

• Increase muscle mass 

• Improve heart & cardiovascular health 

• Improve brain function (improvement in short & long term memory as well as mental cognition)

• Boost mood 

• Improve depression 

• Combat risk of Alzheimer’s disease 

• Increase bone density to help prevent osteoporosis and frailty 

• Improve quality of sleep

• Decrease and fight overall body inflammation

To learn more about options for TRT near Stamford, CT, call New England Low-T Center today for a free, no-obligation consultation.